The Biondo Group creates Packaging Design Systems that effectively captivate, engage and stimulate purchases of our clients’ brands at consumer touch points, both physical and digital.

Packaging Design

Package Design is the marketing specialty on which our agency built its reputation. We have developed numerous products and brands from inception – initial positioning, naming, packaging design and in-store promotions.

Many projects fall into the realm of a brand refresh. In these instances, peeling back layers to reveal key equities, while stretching the boundaries to give each brand its own proprietary cues is important.

Brand Identity

There are many different forms a brand identity project can take – from developing a new identity to refreshing a dated presentation. Generally, an identity project is part of a larger marketing initiative. In terms of brand identity redesigns, we are sensitive to retaining important equities.

Brand Strategy

Expressing a unique and motivating positioning for a brand is critical to its success. One of our core strengths is teasing out the salient characteristics that make a brand unique, helping elevate it above the competition. That is simply the beginning of the strategic mindset we bring to our clients challenges. In terms of research, we offer quantitative and qualitative design testing and feasibility/ innovation studies.

Final Production & Reproduction

One of our core strengths is final production expertise. We always design with final production and reproduction in mind. That doesn’t mean our design teams plays it safe, we absolutely push the limits of reproduction technologies to give our clients unique solutions.


Our design department spans many disciplines, and on any given day we may be working on a host of projects including;  in-store marketing support, print design, collateral design, or environmental graphics.

Biondo VIBE™

We support projects strategically by activating a process we call VIBE® (Visual Integrated Branding Ecosystem).

VIBE™ is a flexible five-step creative framework for development, with the following stages:

  1. Immersion
  2. Exploration
  3. Validation
  4. Optimization
  5. Commercialization

VIBE methodologies and tactics include: qualitative, quantitative, online survey and in-person research. Budget, timing and necessity dictate just how we leverage VIBE.

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