PediaCare: brandmark & packaging design

PediaCare: brandmark & packaging design

The Biondo Design team refined the PediaCare brand-mark and created a strong, unified branding system with strong differentiation of segments and varieties, additionally we designed a set of symptom icons. We extended the concept to 5 distinctive segment looks and...
RFP’s & Spec: Hiring a Packaging Design Firm

RFP’s & Spec: Hiring a Packaging Design Firm

The Biondo Group has a lot of design experience under its belt. We’ve got a good reputation, earned over time. We are regularly invited to take part in processes and “contests” to get new client work. Clients have choices of design and marketing resources. As with a...
Gadgetry & Games

Gadgetry & Games

Brands leverage strategies to drive growth. To bring strategy to life brands look for tactics that will support them. It’s a rinse and repeat cycle. Strategy morphs, new things come in, older things go away. Our consumer universe is fickle, flighty and bombarded with...
Rethinking Packaging Design Methodology

Rethinking Packaging Design Methodology

In this read we begin to take a look at the manner in which packaging design firms work. Important considerations for a Client company looking for a packaging design firm are work style and process. Design for business is a creative pursuit; it’s an iterative, process...
3 Keys to Design Success: Orientation & Analysis

3 Keys to Design Success: Orientation & Analysis

It’s a good idea to start a design program like you want to finish: informed and strong. Starting a packaging design program with a proper orientation and analysis phase of activity is a smart, but often glossed over and a wee bit dismissed step in the...
Opportunity lost?

Opportunity lost?

Many Biondo Group clients have in-house design departments, or, at the very least a hands-on designer. These creative professionals often have a wide range of responsibilities: from web design and maintenance, developing collateral and trade materials, packaging...

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