Packaging Designers: Prepared for Success

Packaging Designers: Prepared for Success

One of the jobs of an Account Manager or Client Manager at The Biondo Group is insuring that the creative folk, the designers, have all of the information that they need to succeed when they head out “on a project”. Heading out on a design exploration is akin to an...
Better Milk, less waste through packaging design

Better Milk, less waste through packaging design

Thinking on packaging and food spoliage and waste, as I was pouring some Half & Half into my morning coffee, I realized that it has been a real long time since I had to give a container of the spoilable stuff the “sniff” test before pouring it into my cup of...
Distinguishing Brand from Product

Distinguishing Brand from Product

It might seem silly, but since so much of The Biondo Group’s work is comprised of working on both Brands and Products, we thought we’d take a look at the latest definitions: A brand is: The American Marketing Association defines a brand as a name, term, design,...
Still Life @ The Biondo Group: Working Out The Challenges

Still Life @ The Biondo Group: Working Out The Challenges

Challenges: Still Life @ The Biondo Group….A busy place: the conference room @The Biondo Group, where opinions are tabled, designs reviewed and clients courted…Our team is experinced and feisty and this is where we come together to begin working out the...
When Amenity Packaging Design #Fails

When Amenity Packaging Design #Fails

At the Biondo Group, we are of the opinion that Packaging Design is one of the most important marketing channels that a brand marketer can leverage: benefitting themselves, as well as consumers/ users. As packaging and packaging systems designers, this is to be...

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