Do you guarantee your work

We guarantee that you will be happy with the result of our work at the end of a project.

What sets The Biondo Group apart from its peers?

Our unwavering, singular focus is on HBA & Food Packaging Design. We know who we are and what we are good at, and are not trying to be anything we are not.

Do you work on Structural Packaging design projects?

As time goes on and the proliferation of stock container structures improves, we are called upon less and less for developing new and unique packaging structures. With that when there is a need, we still work with our clients on developing new container structures.

Why work with The Biondo Group?

  1. Experience
  2. Flexibility
  3. Unlimited concepts and revisions
  4. Risk Free
  5. Urgency & Expeditiousness
  6. Guarantee

What services does the Biondo Group provide?

  1. Packaging Design Graphics
  2. Brand Identity
  3. Promotional & POS design
  4. Brand Strategy
  5. Final Production and reproduction services
  6. Pre-design qualitative research

What is the work process?

We work using a sequential Phased approach, with each phase preparing for the next phase. Projects start with a kick-off meeting, each phase concludes with a presentation and deliverable.

Are we easy to work with?

Very. We go to great lengths to insure our clients are getting exactly what they require in terms of service and deliverables.

How much do you charge?

We base our estimates on time, materials and out of pocket expenses.

Can a small company afford your services?

In a word, yes. We work with a wide range of businesses, from global enterprises to local companies. With all of our clients, we tailor our budget, resources and timing to make sure we are delivering the right mix of services and capability.

Do you accept small projects?

Yes, we work on projects ranging from a single SKU, to expansive product lines where line segmentation and variety differentiation are important considerations

I have many items to produce, can we arrange for a retainer fee for you to create everything for us?

Yes, we can custom tailor development programs for our clients, insofar as timing, budget and deliverables.

What are your billing policies?

We bill in Phases generally, although we are flexible if you have specific requirements.

An important point of difference – with large OOP expenses: Photography being the most common – we pass the invoices through to our clients, with no markup. This is unheard of in the Design and Advertising world. Our reason being, that its work we didn’t do, and since we are compensated for our time during the shoot, we are compensated – and in our eyes, that’s fair and it’s enough. Makes sense right?

Are there any extra, or hidden, charges?

Never, all OOP expenses are documented and pre-approved, so there are no surprises when the invoice arrives. We hate surprises too – so we are transparent as well as communicative.

What if I am not satisfied with my final product?

That won’t happen, we keep working until you are.



Tags: Brand Identity, branding, consumer product marketing, containers, design, packaged goods marketing, packaging, packaging  design, point-of-sale, POS, artwork, production, strategy, supermarket shelf, The Biondo Group, HBA, food packaging, line extension

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