Lever 2000: brand refreshment, packaging archhitecture, packaging graphics


Our client allowed the Biondo Design team to test the limits of what the brand could do from a graphic communications standpoint.

  1. The Lever 2000 Marketing team was clear:
  2. Reposition brand to appeal to a new target consumer – active, young boomers – men and women 45-60
  3. Contemporize the brand and clearly communicate the brand essence – Health Fresh Skin
  4. Nothing was sacred – everything was up for grabs
  5. Looking for vibrant colors
  6. Can look at consistent color for all skus with accents to differentiate sku’s
  7. ALL DESIGNS had to be a WOW
  8. Needs to stop people going down the aisle and make them pick it up
  9. Push the graphics


Tags: Brand Identity, branding, consumer product marketing,containers, design, packaged goods marketing, packaging, packaging  design, point-of-sale, POS, artwork, production, strategy, supermarket shelf, The Biondo Group, HBA, food packaging

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